Welcome and thank you...

...for joining me as I journey to ordination to Holy Orders in the Episcopal Church USA. I will journal my hopes and fears, my joys and disappointments that I experience in the process. I'll think aloud my pastoral theology and my theology in general along with my observations about the ECUSA.

If you're looking for in-depth theological discussions or arguments, you've come to the wrong place. However, if you wish to walk with me on this journey - welcome and thank you.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I Shall Return

I am working on a project and will return in a couple of weeks. That's one of my pet peeves about myself - I tend to lose myself in new projects that really excite me. I am writing curricula for a young adult education program that I'm starting at my local church. My priest says he is interested, but he's said that before. He is contemplative, but everyone is not of course. I think there needs to be more variety and the parish in it's current state does not appeal to young adults. My aim is to change this, but we shall see. Church folks are the most resistant to change.

If it doesn't work out at my local church, I intend to go forward independent of my parish's support. Someone has to and that someone might as well be me.

Your prayers are requested and needed.