Lectionary Reading
Isaiah 61:10 -62:3
Psalm 147
Galatians 3:23 - 25; 4:4 - 7
John 1: 1 - 18
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his son, born of woman... (Gal. 4:4)
This is a journal of my ordination to Holy Orders in the Episcopal Church USA. I've (mis)-approriated the term "moveable feast" because it seemed the day would never come...oh, it hasn't happened yet.
Lectionary Reading
Psalm 126
I Thessalonians 5:12-28
John 1: 6-8, 19-28
or John 3: 23-30
Collect is from Book of Common Prayer (BCP), 1979.
The ECUSA Los Angeles Diocese will convene it's 112th annual convention on Dec 5th & 6th. I'm so excited! I love convention; after my first one in 2005 I was hooked. I love seeing church polity in action.
I'm usually clueless as to a lot of procedures, but each time I go I learn a little more. I missed this year's deanery meeting so I'll have a cramming session as to what's on the agenda this year, especially since I may become a last minute delegate (long story and I'll spare you the details of lack of commitment blah, blah, blah.)
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is speaking and it will be live via webcast beginning 11am (PST) on Dec 6th. Bishop Jefferts Schori will inaugurate the Margaret Parker Memorial Lecture Series by addressing the topic: What are the keys to peace and justice through the empowerment of women, especially amid the challenges of the current global financial context?
I'm leaving home very early so that I can find parking. I'm staying at the Mission Inn, a hotel that I've wanted to frequent, but hadn't. It's decorated for the holidays and it's a beautiful, historic building. It's a national historic landmark in fact. (I know it's more information than you really care to know, but I'm excited okay.)
I've been invited to fellowship with the deacons this year and I'm excited about that as well. Do you think I love convention?
I guess I really am a "church girl" as my husband likes to call me. Well, I'm off to convention!
Photo is St. John's Cathedral which is both a parish church and cathedral church (or procathedral liturgy) for the Los Angeles Diocese, while the Cathedral Center of St Paul serves as the administrative center of the diocese.