Welcome and thank you...

...for joining me as I journey to ordination to Holy Orders in the Episcopal Church USA. I will journal my hopes and fears, my joys and disappointments that I experience in the process. I'll think aloud my pastoral theology and my theology in general along with my observations about the ECUSA.

If you're looking for in-depth theological discussions or arguments, you've come to the wrong place. However, if you wish to walk with me on this journey - welcome and thank you.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Rejoice! Rejoice! It's Christmas...

God provides. Jesus is born. The LORD is with us.

So begins the annual Christmas letter written by my rector. Such simple sentences, such a profound message.

A stack of letters were adjacent to the Sunday bulletin; I grabbed both, walked to a pew, genuflected, and sat. There is always silent meditation before both Sunday Masses. So I sat down to get centered, to meditate, to pray, and to still my spirit. Once my breath was at a steady, calm pace. I look at the letter to admire the design of the paper - I had not planned to read it until after Eucharist ended. But the Holy Spirit had other plans and she bid me to come. Read. Read it again. Then again. As each lesson was read: Old Testament, Psalm, Epistle, Gospel - I heard those words echoing in my ear. God provides. Jesus is born. The LORD is with us.

I nearly had a Pentecostal experience from my childhood days: I felt lightheaded and was sure I would be "slain in the Spirit" right there. Oh my! I could barely contain my joy. God provides. Jesus is born. The LORD is with us.

What a beautiful reminder of my who my Source is. Blessed assurance! God provides. Jesus is born. The LORD is with us.

It's Christmas praise God.

Photo is of Uganda Nativity set made of banana fiber available at magellantraders.com


Sankofa said...

God provides. Jesus is born. The LORD is with us.

Praise God indeed!

Revvy Rev said...

Merry Christmas and may God continue to bless your ministry!